Ep 3. Jeyda Erdogan, Ruff Dogs

Jeyda Erdogan found out the hard way that puppies…are jerks! But she turned her own experience with the chaos of being a puppy mumma into a business to help the next puppy parents to be! And if that wasn’t enough of a challenge, her and her business partner decided to launch during a global pandemic, what could possibly go wrong?

Join us as we toast some wine to finding your path to success, even if it doesn’t go in the direction you thought it would!

rhys salmon

Rhys Salmon is the Co- Founder of Everybody Panic. An actor, Emcee, Producer and well what ever else he can think of! 


Ep 4. Kerryn Boyle, PregActive Founder


Ep 2. Dan Bentley, Impacto Consulting